Instructions to authors for scientific papers for the conference


1. The first page of the paper should include: title of the paper, name and surname of the author, name of the institution where the author is employed, address, contact.

2. The papers should be written in black text, justified, in Times New Roman font, size 12, with a spacing of 1.5. Footnotes should be justified, in the same font as the main text, size 10, with a spacing of 1.0. References used in the explanations in the footnotes must also be listed in the bibliography at the end of the text. Maximum length of articles is 50,000 characters (8,000 words)

3. The title should be in font size of 14, bold. The subtitle should be in font size 12, bold. The titles and subtitles should be written in lower case, and subtitles should be numbered.

4. The paper should not be divided into paragraphs with spacings.

5. Upper and lower quotation marks (e.g. „sign”) should be used in the texts. Italics should be used only for foreign words and publication titles. Bold letters should be used only for the heading and subheadings and for the titles of tables and graphs (the titles of images and graphs are placed above them). Tables and graphs should be centred, and the text they contain should be in the same font as the main text, font size 11, with a spacing of 1.0.

6. Authors should use the Harvard style of citation, e.g. (Smith, 2003: 5). So, the source should be cited in the text, in parentheses, and not in footnotes. Footnotes should be used to clarify concepts or digressions. Marks such as ibid. and op. cit. should not be used.

7. References should be written as follows:

For books: Castells, M., (2009), Communication Power, Oxford University Press, New York.

Abercrombie, N. i B. Longhurst (1998) Audiences. London: SAGE Publications.

For journal articles: journal articles should not be written in italics, but in quotation marks:

Kent, M. L. i M. Taylor (2002) „Toward a Dialogic Theory of Public Relations“, Public Relations Review, 28 (1), 21-37.

For proceedings papers: proceedings papers and editorial books should be placed in quotation marks, and the titles of proceedings and books in italics:

Kozel, S. (2005) „Introduction to Part Eight“, u L. Goodman i J. de Gray (ur.) The Routledge Reader in Politics and Performance, London, New York: Routledge, 257-263.

For online sources: (do not cite them in the text, put in a footnote if necessary)

indicate the date of the visit, and in case of an article or text with a known author:

Defren, T. (2008) „Social Media Release Template, version 1.5“. Available at: http://www…., downloaded on 19 September 2010

Additional instructions:

Scope of articles: articles – 15-17 standard pages (1800 characters) with literature; 7-10 standard pages (1800 characters) for workshops

Appendix to the text: About the author (around 10 lines)

Image and graphic appendices (photographs, charts, tables) should be sent in a separate file, and works containing them should be sent in two formats (word and pdf). Graphs should be sent in the format of the program in which they were originally created (e.g. MS Excel, etc.).

Review: Papers undergo a double anonymous review. The author is obligated to correct the paper according to the instructions of the reviewers and to proofread the Croatian and English versions. The publication of papers and the review process are free of charge.